WASHINGTON — NASA will host a teleconference Wednesday, Sept. 10, no earlier than 6 p.m. EDT, to discuss the conclusion of the Ares I rocket preliminary design review.

The review, conducted at NASA’s Marshall Center Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., examines the current design for the Ares I rocket to ensure the planned technical approach will meet NASA’s requirements for the fully integrated vehicle. The Ares I rocket will launch the Orion crew exploration vehicle and its crew of astronauts to the International Space Station and on missions to explore the moon and beyond in coming decades.

The briefing participants are:

– Doug Cooke, deputy associate administrator, Exploration Systems Mission Directorate, NASA Headquarters

– Jeff Hanley, manager, Constellation Program, NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Houston

– Steve Cook, manager, Ares Projects, NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center

Reporters should contact Grey Hautaluoma at 202-358-0668, or Stephanie Schierholz at 202-358-4997, by noon Sept. 10 for dial-in information.

For updates about the starting time of the news conference or to listen to live streaming audio of the call, visit:


For illustrations, video and more information about the Ares I rocket, visit:
