NASA Television and the agency’s website will provide live coverage of the fifth meeting of the National Space Council starting at 1 p.m. EDT Tuesday, March 26. 

The meeting will focus on the Trump Administration’s Moon, Mars and beyond plans, and be held at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. 

Vice President Mike Pence, chairman of the council, will convene and preside over the meeting, which will include a report out from NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine. The meeting also will include reports from various other council members, two expert panels on human space exploration, and council discussion, from which Vice President Pence will provide policy recommendations for the president.

The expert panels are:

Panel 1: Ready to Fly

  • Les Lyles, retired U.S. Air Force general and former Vice Chief of Staff of the Air Force
  • Eileen Collins, retired U.S. Air Force officer and former NASA astronaut
  • Sandy Magnus, former NASA astronaut

Panel 2: Ready to Explore

  • Dan Dumbacher, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Jack Burns, University of Colorado at Boulder
  • Wanda Sigur, independent consultant

Images and video from the meeting will be available at: