Glenn Mahone
Headquarters, Washington
(Phone: 202/358-1898)

The Administration is preparing a change to its Fiscal
Year (FY) 2003 budget to implement a new Integrated Space
Transportation Plan (ISTP) and ensure the International
Space Station is properly financed and better positioned to
achieve its scientific research priorities.

NASA believes it is important to move forward in a highly
integrated way to assure access to and from the
International Space Station and Low Earth Orbit. This change
is part of a continuing effort to ensure programs and
budgets, developed to carry out NASA’s vision and mission,
are responsible, credible, and compelling.

The new direction reflects important changes to NASA’s five-
year budget plan, within the totals contained in the
President’s FY 2003 Budget. It is based on multiple studies,
undertaken over the past few years, including the extensive
work conducted under the Space Launch Initiative (SLI). The
new plan will be sent to Congress soon.

SLI was designed to identify feasible options for future
NASA space transportation. Having accomplished this
objective, and using study results conducted in preparation
for a 2003 System Requirements Review (SRR), NASA has
selected a robust and flexible approach to meeting space
transportation needs through the new ISTP.

ISTP consists of three major programs: Space Shuttle,
Orbital Space Plane, and Next Generation Launch Technology.
The new plan makes investments to extend Shuttle’s
operational life for continued safe operations. The Orbital
Space Plane is designed to provide a crew transfer
capability, as early as possible, to ensure access to and
from the International Space Station. The Next Generation
Launch Technology Program funds developments in areas such
as propulsion, structures, and operations for the next
generation Reusable Launch Vehicle (RLV). The SLI will focus
on the Orbital Space Plane and Next Generation Launch
Technology, including third generation RLV efforts.

The budget changes reflect a strategic decision to more
tightly couple the Space Station, Space Shuttle, and SLI
programs. Recently completed independent cost estimates and
program reviews have determined that the Space Shuttle
flight rate should be increased and steps should be taken to
assure NASA’s ability to achieve U.S. Core Complete, while
meeting international commitments and providing a robust
orbital research program. The proposed new plan reflects
these changes.