News media are invited to attend a series of “on-the-
record” briefings and hands-on demonstrations Sept. 16-18 at
NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston. The workshop
will offer a detailed look at NASA’s efforts to safely
return the agency’s Space Shuttles to flight.

The workshop will provide the status on work under way in
Shuttle operations, equipment and procedures, including:

  • Thermal Protection System: in-flight inspection and repair; ground maintenance and inspection; and long-term improvements
  • Improved ground and flight-based launch and landing imagery
  • External Tank and Solid Rocket Booster improvements
  • Possible changes in Shuttle flight paths and launch conditions
  • Improved mission and program management processes

Briefing panels and hands-on activities will detail the
challenges and complexity involved in return to flight
efforts. Media will be given an update on the International
Space Station Program, as well as have an opportunity to
speak with the Station crew. The latest plans for the next
Shuttle mission (STS-114) will also be discussed.

Media planning to attend must fax a request for press
accreditation to the JSC newsroom at: 281/483-2000 before 6
p.m. EDT Sept. 10. Because of limited capacity, attendance
at the demonstrations may be restricted to one reporter
and/or photographer per organization. Information about the
workshop is available on the Internet at: