WASHINGTON – NASA’s Spinoff 2007, an annual online and print publication featuring NASA space technologies that provide practical, tangible benefits to society, is now available.

Spinoff 2007 highlights 39 new examples of how NASA innovation can be transferred to the commercial market place and applied to areas such as health and medicine, transportation, public safety, consumer goods, homes and recreation, environmental and agricultural resources, computer technology and industrial productivity.

“NASA’s science, aeronautics and space exploration drives inspiration, innovation and discovery which in turn keep this nation at the forefront of technology advancements at a global level,” NASA Deputy Administrator Shana Dale said.

An example of NASA innovation helping to better lives today is a method for non-invasive, painless, ultrasound examination of the carotid artery, which carries blood from the heart to the brain. The test helps to identify risk for atherosclerosis, a major cause of heart attacks and strokes. The test uses software based on a program NASA uses to interpret spacecraft imagery from Mars.

Spinoff 2007 also profiles NASA’s education efforts and other partnership successes, and provides reference and resource information available through the agency’s programs.

NASA’s Innovative Partnerships Program produces the NASA Spinoff series. The program fosters technology partnerships, commercialization and innovation in support of NASA’s overall mission and national priorities. For more information about the program, visit:


To request a free printed copy of Spinoff 2007, call 301- 286-5979. To access Spinoff 2007 and a searchable database of previous Spinoff editions on the Web, visit:


For information about NASA and agency programs, visit:
