NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, Calif., and SpaceDev Co.,
of Poway, Calif., are collaborating on developing new low-cost space
launch vehicles to help achieve the goals of the nation’s Vision for
Space Exploration.

Under the terms of a newly signed memorandum of understanding,
SpaceDev, a nationally recognized leader in the development of hybrid
propulsion systems, will partner with NASA to explore designs for
new, small piloted launch vehicles and flight test platforms to
enable near-term, low-cost, routine space access for future

“I am delighted that we will be working with SpaceDev to help meet
the goals of The Vision for Space Exploration,” said G. Scott
Hubbard, director of NASA Ames Research Center, located in
California’s Silicon Valley. “Near-term, low-cost, piloted and
unpiloted routine space access is a key for realizing the nation’s
Exploration Vision. I look forward to a long and fruitful
partnership with SpaceDev to explore the technologies for a new class
of exciting launch vehicles for future space exploration,” Hubbard

“We are pleased to be a partner with NASA in helping the nation
achieve low-cost, routine access to space,” said Jim Benson,
SpaceDev’s founding chairman and CEO. “We believe that our expertise
in hybrid propulsion technology, combined with NASA’s hypersonic
flight tests and the use of its world-class facilities, will provide
an important new opportunity for meeting the nation’s space access

According to the new memorandum of understanding, potential areas of
collaboration may include vehicle concept analyses; hybrid propulsion
systems; systems engineering; detailed design; fabrication; reentry
analyses and design; thermal protection systems; information
technology; vehicle health monitoring; advanced hybrid propulsion
fuels; wind tunnel, arc-jet facilities and flight simulator use; and
experimental design and integration.

Founded in 1997, SpaceDev designed and built a new hybrid propulsion
system for SpaceShipOne, the privately funded space vehicle that
recently completed a successful launch in Mojave, Calif. Another
flight is planned early next month. According to company officials,
hybrid propulsion provides a level of safety, low costs and
operational flexibility that are unmatched by conventional liquid
fueled or solid rocket motors.