Lessons from space research help humanity combat disease and aging.

Dr. Joan Vernikos, a space pioneer researcher and former Head of NASA Life Sciences, is on a terrestrial mission to create awareness that gravity holds the secret to the “cure” for what ails modern society. Her new website www.joanvernikos.com is dedicated to igniting a gravity revolution.

My years of research and my background as a physiologist have led me to conclude that many of today’s health problems can be linked to gravity deprivation. Diseases such as Syndrome-X, diabetes, balance problems and obesity might be significantly alleviated with a minimum daily dose of gravity. Think of it as gravity therapy.

Dr. Vernikos is an author, speaker, consultant, entrepreneur, mentor, and coach. She is a member of the Space Studies Board of the National Academy of Sciences. Active in the international space policy arena, she serves as advisor to the European Space Agency and is space editor for Defense & Foreign Affairs’ Journal, Strategic Policy.

Joan’s illustrious career includes her key involvement in conducting gravity-related pioneering research both in the microgravity of spaceflight and in ground-based microgravity simulations.

She holds several patents on technologies including one for a human-powered centrifuge that provides gravity treatment to astronauts in space or unfit earthlings. Her professional research with astronauts at NASA taught her that resisting the force of gravity keeps humans youthful, healthy, and well-adapted to modern life.

“You can call me Dr. Joan, if you like,” the distinguished researcher notes, with a smile. “I wrote my first book, ‘The G-Connection,’ to spell out how the evidence from space pointed to gravity as a positive force for health and well-being as long as we use it.”

With the website and her extensive interaction with the public as a speaker, Vernikos is now writing a new book that details how to customize a plan for strength, health and independence throughout life. She wants to spread the word that gravity holds the key to sustained youth and vigor.

Dr. Joan notes, “My years of research and my background as a physiologist have led me to conclude that many of today’s health problems can be linked to gravity deprivation. Diseases such as Syndrome-X, diabetes, balance problems and obesity might be significantly alleviated with a minimum daily dose of gravity. Think of it as gravity therapy.”

Dr. Joan created her new web presence in collaboration with Mains Associates, The Connell Whittaker Group, LLC and Wheeler Street Design. She welcomes inquiries about her work, and can be contacted at dr.joan @ joanvernikos.com.

To hear a compelling new interview with Dr. Joan, please visit http://archived.thespaceshow.com/shows/777-BWB-2007-09-17.mp3


Dr. Joan Vernikos
dr.joan @ joanvernikos.com