The NASA Small Business Administrator’s Cup Award for fiscal year 2013 was presented to NASA’s Langley Research Center on Wednesday, June 4 in Hampton, Virginia.

The award was presented to Stephen Jurczyk, center director and Randy Manning, a Langley small business specialist, by NASA Administrator Charles F. Bolden and Glenn A. Delgado, associate administrator of the Office of Small Business Programs.

“The NASA Office of Small Business Programs is extremely proud to present the FY 2013 Administrator’s Cup Award to Langley Research Center and to recognize the center’s Small Business Program, which consistently develops and implements innovative practices in support of the agency’s Small Business Program,” Delgado said.

The award is presented annually to the NASA center that has the best overall Small Business Program. The award honors the significant contributions that the center’s senior management, program and technical personnel, and procurement office have made to the agency’s Small Business Program.

“Having the NASA Administrator recognize us as the agency’s best overall small business program is a great honor,” said Jurczyk. “It’s important to grow our small business program so that we can help drive technology, accelerate U.S. industry, spur innovation and create economic opportunities.”

For more information on the Small Business Administrator’s Cup Award program visit