NASA Applications Program Manager Lawrence Friedl discusses new data fusion product that improves air quality assessment, management and prediction. The product infuses satellite measurements from NASA into analyses by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration, for public benefit.

Researchers have developed sophisticated models of the
chemistry and dynamics of Earth’s atmosphere. They are
working with the EPA to examine how NASA models might be
used to help fulfill air quality management
responsibilities. The EPA operates systems used to make air
quality forecasts. Friedl will also discuss how NASA’s Aura
Earth science mission will help EPA efforts.

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the Internet, visit:

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WHAT: Showcase of new NASA Data Fusion Product to study Air Quality

WHERE: 97th Annual Air & Waste Management Association Conference

WHEN: Wednesday, June 23, 2004
2:30 p.m. EDT
Indiana Conference Center, Indianapolis