HOUSTON — NASA will hold a media briefing at 1 p.m. CST, Wednesday, March 4, with the International Space Station residents who will usher in an era of six-person crews.

The briefing will originate from NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston and will be broadcast live on NASA Television. Questions will be taken from reporters at participating NASA sites.

The briefing participants are:

– Roman Romanenko, Soyuz commander, Expedition 20 flight engineer and Russian cosmonaut

– Frank DeWinne, Expedition 20 flight engineer and Expedition 21 commander (the first European Space Agency astronaut to command the station)

– Robert Thirsk, Expedition 20 and 21 flight engineer and Canadian Space Agency astronaut

– Nicole Stott, Expedition 20 and 21 flight engineer and NASA astronaut

After the briefing, the participants will be available for photographs and individual interviews, in person or by telephone. To participate in the interviews, journalists should contact the Johnson newsroom at 281-483-5111, no later than 5 p.m., Feb. 27.

Media representatives who are foreign nationals planning to attend the briefing in person must contact the Johnson newsroom by 5 p.m., Feb. 11, to arrange credentials.

Romanenko, DeWinne and Thirsk will launch to the station aboard a Russian Soyuz spacecraft in May. Stott will travel to the station aboard the space shuttle Discovery in August.

For information about NASA TV streaming video, downlink and schedule information, visit:


For information about the International Space Station, visit:


For information about upcoming shuttle missions and crews, visit:


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