Space Dynamics Laboratory announced today that it has been selected to provide support for NASA’s Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory Mission. The contract value is up to $9.6 million over five years.

As a trusted agent of NASA and as a member of the CLARREO integrated product team, SDL will provide instrument systems expertise and capabilities for conducting measurements in the infrared spectrum, including systems engineering, design of infrared measurement systems, analysis and modeling, and instrument systems development and characterization.

“For five decades, SDL has been at the forefront of atmospheric studies, and I am pleased that we will once again support NASA for a crucial mission,” said Niel Holt, director of SDL. “SDL will help NASA accomplish the CLARREO mission that will bring revolutionary accuracy to climate measurement—and provide a global benchmark measurement for conclusively determining long-term climate trends.”

CLARREO will provide the most accurate climate data traceable to internationally-recognized measurement standards that will enable scientists to compile more accurate climate information than ever before. CLARREO’s data will be used to better understand the natural and human-induced changes in our climate and provide improved forecasts that are needed to more effectively respond to climate change. In addition, CLARREO will provide high quality and accurate data records that may be used to cross-calibrate other existing operational sensors, reduce impact of gaps in decadal change data records, and provide the first space-based measurements of the Earth’s far infrared spectrum.

Space Dynamics Laboratory joins Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. and the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis. as a member of the CLARREO integrated product team.

Founded in 1959, SDL has been responsible for the design, fabrication, and operation of thousands of sensors on more than 500 payloads ranging from aircraft and rocket-borne experiments to space shuttle experiments, small satellites, and satellite-based sensor systems. As one of 14 University Affiliated Research Centers in the nation, SDL conceives and develops state-of-the-art sensor and satellite systems; performs space, air, and ground-based experiments; conducts rapid, experimental development of prototype sensor hardware and associated software; performs concept validation studies and demonstrations; and develops data fusion technology for passive and active sensors.