Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington, DC
(Phone: 202/358-1761)

Daniel Dowds
Quality Education for Minorities Network, Washington, DC
(Phone: 202/659-1818)

RELEASE: 00-84

NASA and the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network
have selected 200 high school students as participants in the 2000
NASA Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP)
PLUS. This year’s recipients, selected from over 800 applicants,
represent 146 high schools in 34 states, the District of Columbia,
Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands.

From June 12 to August 4, SHARP PLUS apprentices will reside
on the campuses of 10 universities (20 per site) that have joined
in partnership with NASA and QEM to implement the program. In
addition to research, apprentices participate in a wide variety of
enrichment activities organized by the host universities. These
activities range from information sessions on math, science and
engineering careers, to test-taking and computer skills workshops,
to an overview of college admissions and financial aid procedures.

The SHARP PLUS Program is a major strategy for increasing,
strengthening, and diversifying the country’s future pool of
mathematics, science, engineering and technology majors and

For the past seven years, the NASA SHARP PLUS Program has
provided almost 1,800 summer research apprenticeships to rising
juniors and seniors interested in mathematics, science,
engineering, and technology (MSET). Although SHARP PLUS
apprentices have excelled in their mathematics and science high
school courses, most have not had the opportunity to apply this
knowledge in a research environment. The program goal is to link
students to professional research scientists and engineers in
university and industry settings.

“We involve the educational community in our endeavors to
inspire America’s students, create learning opportunities, and
enlighten inquisitive minds. SHARP PLUS clearly meets these
criteria by representing an investment in our professional
workforce of the future. While interacting daily with professional
researchers, students gain hands-on and real-world experience in
MSET fields,” said Deborah Green Glasco, NASA’s Education Division
Program Manager for the SHARP PLUS Program.

The Quality Education for Minorities Network facilitates the
SHARP PLUS program for NASA’s Education Division. The network is
a nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the education of
minorities and other underrepresented groups throughout the

“SHARP PLUS sets high expectations for academic achievement
and seeks to increase the participation and success rate of
talented students from groups underrepresented in challenging
mathematics and science courses at the pre-college level,” said
Shirley McBay, President, QEM Network.

The list of high school students, their home states and the
participating universities in available on the Internet at URL:

Additional information on the SHARP PLUS program can be found