NASA has selected nine research proposals for
negotiation of Phase 2 contract awards for the 2001 Small
Business Technology Transfer (STTR) Program.

Phase 2 continues development of the most promising
previously selected Phase 1 projects. Selection criteria
include scientific and technical merit, company capabilities,
commercial potential, future importance and eventual value of
the innovation to NASA. Funding for Phase 2 contracts may be
up to $500,000 for a two-year performance period.

Contractors completing Phase 1 projects submitted a total of
18 Phase 2 proposals. All proposals were peer reviewed for
both technical merit and commercial potential. The combined
award total for the nine Phase 2 contracts is expected to be
$4.5 million.

The STTR Program is designed to stimulate technological
innovation; help small businesses become better qualified to
assist NASA in its research and development; and increase
private commercialization of federally funded research. The
program also requires small businesses to conduct cooperative
research and development by partnering with a research

The goals of the STTR program are to stimulate technological
innovation; increase the use of small business, including
women-owned and disadvantaged firms, to meet federal research
and development needs; and to increase private sector
commercialization of federally funded research results. Two
of the nine companies announced today are disadvantaged

The STTR Program Management Office is located at NASA’s
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md. NASA’s Office of
Aerospace Technology, Washington provides executive
oversight. Individual STTR projects are managed by the 10
NASA field centers.

A listing of the selected companies is on the Internet at: