Michael Braukus

Headquarters, Washington, DC
Jan. 6, 2000
(Phone: 202/358-1979)



America’s space agency does more than explore space: It also
stimulates small and disadvantaged businesses to develop new
technologies. To this end, NASA has selected 25 research
proposals for negotiation of Phase 2 contract awards for its Small
Business Innovation Research Program. The total value of the
awards is expected to be more than $15 million and will be
conducted by 25 firms in 12 states.

These selections will assist future NASA missions by providing
advanced technologies in such areas as high-optical-quality,
lightweight reflectors and mirrors; high-speed digital
communications links with reduced power and size requirements; and
reduced mass requirements for spacecraft thermal-control systems.

Phase 2 continues development of the most promising previously
selected Phase 1 projects. Selection criteria include scientific
and technical merit, future importance and eventual value of the
innovation to NASA, company capabilities and commercial potential.
Funding for Phase 2 contracts may be up to $600,000 for a two-year
performance period.

SBIR contractors submitted 319 Phase 2 proposals; 103 of these
proposals were selected on August 27, 1999. Based on current
budget availability, these additional 25 selections now are being

The goals of the SBIR program are to stimulate technological
innovation, increase the use of small business (including women-
owned and disadvantaged firms) in meeting federal research and
development needs, and increase private sector commercialization
of federally funded research results. Four of the companies being
announced today are disadvantaged firms and three are women-owned

The NASA SBIR Program Management Office is located at its
Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, with executive
oversight by NASA’s Office of Aero-Space Technology, NASA
Headquarters, Washington, DC. Individual SBIR projects are
managed by NASA’s ten field centers.

A listing of the selected companies can be found on the
Internet at:


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