To enable future space exploration while helping to seed viable commercial products and services here in America, NASA is seeking proposals for the agency’s Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs.

The SBIR and STTR Programs provide small businesses and nonprofit research institutions with opportunities to address specific technology gaps in NASA missions, while stimulating opportunities for the commercialization of new technologies developed through federal research and development. Program results have benefited many NASA efforts, such as modern air traffic control systems, Earth and sun observing spacecraft, the International Space Station, planetary and astrophysics science missions and the technologies needed for human exploration beyond low-Earth orbit.

“America’s small high-tech businesses are the catalyst for innovation in our technology based economy,” said Michael Gazarik, NASA’s associate administrator for space technology in Washington. “Our SBIR and STTR programs provide an on-ramp for partnering with NASA on new technologies that will enable our future missions and improve life here on Earth.”

The highly competitive programs are based on a three-phase award system. Phase 1 is a feasibility study to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea. Firms successfully completing Phase 1 are eligible to submit Phase 2 proposals, expanding on the results of Phase 1. Phase 3 includes commercialization of the results of Phase 2, and requires the use of private sector or non-SBIR federal funding as innovations move from the laboratory to the marketplace.

The deadline for the two solicitations is Jan. 29, 2014. Selections are expected in late April. NASA’s Ames Research Center at Moffett Field, Calif., manages the SBIR and STTR programs for the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate. NASA’s 10 field centers manage individual projects.

For more information about NASA’s SBIR and STTR solicitations, including how to apply, visit:

NASA’s Space Technology Mission Directorate is innovating, developing, testing, and flying hardware for use in future missions. NASA’s technology investments provide cutting-edge solutions for our nation’s future. For more information about the directorate, visit: