Receiving a Presidential Early Career Award for
Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) for his research in Ocean
Biology was not a position in which Dr. Carlos Del Castillo
ever thought he would find himself.

During his first blue-water research cruise, he discovered,
with horror, he was prone to severe seasickness. However,
after reconsidering his career and undergoing a few very
distressing days, he recovered and was able to work at sea.

Del Castillo, Program Scientist for the Ocean Biology and
Biogeochemistry Program at NASA Headquarters, Washington. He
still gets a bit squeamish in very rough weather, but has
been able to outgrow his mal de mer.

Del Castillo’s career started in 2000 at NASA’s Stennis Space
Center (SSC), Miss. Under the direction of Dr. Rick Miller,
who led the Earth Systems Science Office, Del Castillo worked
as a researcher. While at SSC, he began working in the
Mississippi River plume and in the application of remote
sensors to study coastal environments. His book, co-edited
with Drs. Richard Miller and Brent McKee, “Remote Sensing of
the Coastal Environment,” will be published later this year.

In 2003 Del Castillo was offered a position as Program
Scientist for the Ocean Biology and Biogeochemistry program
at NASA Headquarters. This, one-year position, that has
temporarily taken him away from his research, has offered him
an opportunity to learn about policy, and interact with
colleagues in academia and other branches of the government.

On September 9, Del Castillo received the PECASE award at a
White House ceremony. These National Science and Technology
Council (NSTC) awards represent the highest honor bestowed by
the U.S. government on scientists and engineers beginning
their independent careers. They recognize recipients’
exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of
scientific knowledge. The NSTC only bestows the PECASE award
to an individual once during his or her career.

Receiving a presidential award was a long way from Del
Castillo’s humble beginnings. He was born in San Juan, Puerto
Rico and spent most of his life on or near the ocean. “My
first vehicle, unlike most kids, was not only a bike, but a
small sailboat,” said Del Castillo. “My love for the ocean
has always played a great role in my life.”

After completing a bachelor of science in Biology at the
University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez Campus, Del Castillo
continued work on a master’s degree in Marine Science. His
master’s thesis dealt with oil pollution. He presented the
results of his thesis in a meeting in Rennes, France. After
completing his degree and writing what he said, “at the time,
and perhaps still is, the shortest thesis in the history of
the university, only about 36 pages.” Del Castillo continued
work on a Ph.D.

As a graduate student he also was a “Weekend Warrior.” He
belonged to the 240th U.S. Army National Guard Military
Police Company. He was deployed to Saudi Arabia during the
first Persian Gulf War.

Due to lack of funding for oil pollution research in Puerto
Rico and the desire to get a broader education, Del Castillo
transferred to the University of South Florida (USF). While
at USF, he submitted a proposal to NASA to study the optical
properties of organic matter in the Orinoco River plume, a
critical aspect in the use of optical sensors for ocean
Biogeochemical research. Almost simultaneously, he was
offered a position in a laboratory to conduct similar studies
in the Arabian Sea. In 1999, for his work at USF, he was
awarded the William Sackett Prize for Innovation and
Excellence in Research.

“I think I’ve been very lucky in the course my studies have
taken me. One thing led to another, and eventually I
completed my doctoral studies after working in the Eastern
Caribbean, the Arabian Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico, travel I
never thought I would be doing,” Del Castillo said.

Media interested in interviewing Del Castillo should contact
Marta Metelko, NASA Public Affairs, at: 202/358-1642.

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