The National Aeronautics and Space Administration is releasing a NASA Research Announcement for a MUREP (Minority University Research and Education Programs) Small Programs opportunity. The MSP effort will seek innovative approaches to using NASA-themed content in support of higher education teaching and learning. Each funded proposal is expected to leverage NASA’s unique contributions in science, technology, engineering and mathematics, or STEM, to enhance students’ academic experiences and/or to improve educators’ abilities to engage and stimulate their students. The target students shall be enrolled at an accredited college or university, with a declared major in STEM, or be pre-service teachers. Proposed work must be grounded in education research and/or best practices, and incorporate formative, summative and other evaluations, as appropriate.

Proposals will be accepted from Minority Serving Institutions, also known as MSIs, and organizations that support MSIs and underserved, underrepresented students. Eligible MSIs include the Department of Education-designated Historically Black College or University, Hispanic Serving Institution, Tribal College or University, or MSIs that offer degrees in STEM disciplines. These organizations and universities may apply through partnership with a NASA field center, although such a partnership is not a requirement for eligibility.

Proposers must submit a Notice of Intent by April 26, 2009. The Notice of Intent should briefly describe the work to be performed, NASA content to be featured, audiences to be reached, need, innovative approaches to be employed, estimated costs, and summary of evidence supporting the methods, techniques and tools to be used. Full proposals are due May 25, 2009.

Proposals must be submitted electronically. Proposers may use NASA’s proposal data system, NASA Solicitation and Proposal Integrated Review and Evaluation System, or NSPIRES ( ), or to submit their proposals; however, due to technical issues associated with, NASA highly encourages all proposers to use NSPIRES to submit proposals.

For more information about this opportunity, visit{98DD4D19-8CD7-33E7-1F60-3DD38E31AE7B}&path=open .

If you have any questions about this opportunity, please direct your questions to Theresa Martinez at