As you are probably aware, due to security issues NASA Quest has been up and down this past month – a little more down than up. We’re sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused you. We are working hard to get everything back to normal – please bear with us.

Now a bit about cool NASA Quest events coming up this spring!

(just what you’ve been waiting for!)

– Wednesday,March 20, 2002 10 AM-12 Noon Pacific, 1-3 PM Eastern, 1800-2000 GMT

Sun-Earth Day Celebration

Celebrate the Equinox with host Paul Mortfield, a Stanford Solar Center Astronomer who will be joined

by students sharing the results of activities designed to learn more about the Sun. We will meet Native Americans from the Lakota Nation in the Black Hills of South Dakota and hear from astronauts about the effects of the Sun on space travel.

– Thursday,March 28, 2002 10 AM-11:30 Pacific, 1-2:30 PM Eastern, 1800-1930 GMT

International Space Station (ISS) Scientists from Russia, Italy and Canada will discuss the importance of plant science research in space.

-Tuesday, April 2, 2002 10-11 AM Pacific , 2-3PM Eastern, 18-1900 GMT.

Tuesday, April 9, 2002, 10-11AM Pacific, 2-3PM Eastern, 17-1800 GMT

The Search for Extra-Solar Planets: Drawing on the interactive activities of AstroVenture students in grades 5-8 will be assisted by NASA experts as they search for and build a planet that would be habitable to humans.

– Wednesday, April 18,2002, 10 – 11 AM Pacific, 2 – 3 PM Eastern, 1700-1800 GM

Station News Network (SNN) Presents Station Updates – The News Program just for Students about the International Space Station webcasting about every other month to update students on missions in progress.

-Thursday, April 25, 2002 8AM to 3PM Pacific Centennial of Flight and NASA Quest’s annual Take our Daughters to Work Day combine in a celebration of the history of flight. April 25 will provide a full day of opportunities to interact with NASA personnel.