NASA engineers and mission officials decided during
multiple launch attempts this week to postpone the launch of
the Aura satellite to put safety first for mission success.
Aura, a mission dedicated to the health of the Earth’s
atmosphere, launched successfully this morning at 6:01:59 EDT
(3:01:59 PDT).

Aura was scheduled to launch July 13. NASA managers
determined on two occasions to delay the launch to maximize
the possibility of a safe launch of a fully functional Aura
spacecraft and Delta II booster.

“It was essential for NASA to best ensure the safety of human
life and the success of the spacecraft’s launch by delaying
until we believed all systems were optimal and ready to
deploy,” said NASA’s Associate Administrator for Earth
Science Dr. Ghassem Asrar. “Today we are celebrating a launch
that completes a program announced by President George H.W.
Bush in 1991. We are proud to say the agency has delivered on
its commitment to the nation,” he added.

The safety measures taken during the launch of Aura are
characteristic of NASA’s commitment to safety and mission
assurance, and reflect the space agency’s advancements in
transforming its culture.

The Aura spacecraft is designed to support a six-year

For Aura mission information and images on the Internet,
