A breast cancer detection system and a personal search-and-
rescue beacon represent the range of NASA’s 42 most recently
commercialized products featured in the 2000 issue of Spinoff, the
annual publication that highlights commercial products benefiting
from NASA technology.

Spinoff informs the American public of the benefits of NASA’s
commercial partnerships with private industry. The results of
these partnerships are commercial products that utilize NASA
technology, known as Spinoffs. Since 1976, over 1,200 of these
products have been highlighted in Spinoff, illustrating the down-
to-earth benefits of the space program. The publication also
covers NASA research-and-development activities and serves as a
reference resource to the agency’s commercial technology network
available at:


Since NASA’s inception in 1958, technologies resulting from the
space program have introduced Americans to hundreds of new or
improved products. The 2000 edition describes the latest products
and their possible economic and social impact in the areas of
health and medicine, transportation, public safety, computer
technology, manufacturing technology, consumer/home/recreation,
and environment and resources management.

Online versions of Spinoff, beginning with the 1996 issue, are
available on the World Wide Web at: http://www. sti.nasa.gov/tto
The Spinoff web site also contains contact information for
companies interested in featuring their product in Spinoff or
simply in requesting the latest issue.