For eight weeks this summer, 119 high school students
from the across the country will have the opportunity to
become part of campus- and industry-based teams conducting
research related to NASA’s mission.

The students were selected from among more than 700
applicants to the 2002 NASA Summer High School
Apprenticeship Research program, known as SHARP PLUS. The
selected apprentices represent 121 high schools in 35
states, Guam, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The Sharp Plus Program, initiated in 1993, is a major
strategy to increase, strengthen and diversify the nation’s
future pool of mathematics, science, engineering and
technology majors and professionals.

Although SHARP PLUS apprentices have excelled in mathematics
and science courses, most have not had the opportunity to
apply this knowledge in a true research environment. To
provide this experience, the program links students to
professional research scientists and engineers in university
and industry settings.

“NASA’s vision of addressing the shortages of U.S.
scientists and engineers that threaten our economy is the
focus of this unique program,” said Deborah Glasco, Program
Manager, Education Division, NASA Headquarters, Washington.

“By motivating students to pursue careers in science,
mathematics, technology, engineering and geography through
interaction with experienced researchers, we are developing
a new generation of science and technology leaders to expand
the frontiers of air and space,” Glasco explained.

The students conduct research under the guidance of
professional mentors and gain better understanding of the
discipline, responsibility and enjoyment associated with
scientific research. Apprentices prepare papers on their
research and formally present their findings at the
conclusion of the program.

“SHARP PLUS sets high expectations for academic achievement
and seeks to increase the participation and success rate of
talented students from groups underrepresented in
challenging mathematics and science courses at the pre-
college level,” said Shirley McBay, President, Quality
Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, Washington, and
SHARP PLUS Program Director.

In addition to research, the apprentices participate in a
wide variety of enrichment activities organized by the host
universities. These activities range from information
sessions on mathematics, science and engineering careers, to
test-taking and computer skills workshops, to an overview of
college admissions and financial aid procedures.

SHARP PLUS is administered for NASA by QEM Network, a
nonprofit educational organization, in collaboration with
universities across the country. The 2002 program runs from
June 10 through August 2.

More information on the program including a list of students
selected and host universities is available at: