NASA’s next Space Science Update (SSU) features recent
observations from the camera system on the Mars Odyssey
spacecraft. The SSU is on Wednesday, Feb. 19, at 2 p.m. EST.
The SSU is in the James E. Webb Auditorium at NASA
Headquarters, 300 E St. SW, Washington.


  • Dr. Philip Christensen, principal investigator for Odyssey’s thermal emission imaging system, Arizona State University, Tempe
  • Dr. Bruce Jakosky, professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences and the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado, Boulder
  • Dr. John (Jack) Mustard, associate professor, Dept. of Geological Sciences, Brown University, Providence RI.
  • Dr. Lynn Rothschild, researcher, Ecosystem Science and Technology Branch at NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffet Field, Calif.
  • Dr. Michael Meyer, program scientist for the 2001 Mars Odyssey mission, Office of Space Science at NASA Headquarters

The briefing will be carried live on NASA Television with
two-way question-and-answer capability for reporters covering
the event from participating NASA centers.

NASA TV is broadcast on the GE-2 satellite, Transponder 9C,
at 85 degrees west longitude, with vertical polarization,
frequency 3880.0 MHz, audio 6.8 MHz. Audio of the broadcast
will be available on voice circuit at NASA’s Kennedy Space
Center, Fla., by calling 321/867-1220/1240/1260.

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