Posted inPress Release

NASA Participating in International Earth Observation Summit

On Thursday, July 31, 2003, senior administration
officials and representatives from approximately 25 nations
will convene in Washington to establish plans for an
integrated international Earth observation system.
Comprehensive Earth observations will provide key scientific
data to support global economic, social and scientific

The Earth Observation Summit brings together ministerial-
level representatives from the G-8 and other countries with
a significant role in Earth observation, one of the top
three G-8 science and technology priorities. Representatives
from the World Bank, World Meteorological Organization, and
other multilateral organizations will also attend. The
Summit aims to raise awareness of the importance of
cooperation and investment in Earth observations for the
benefit of international decision-makers.

Key speakers at the Summit include: NASA Administrator Sean
O’Keefe; Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham; Secretary of
Commerce Don Evans; Secretary of State Colin Powell; Science
Advisor to the President, John Marburger; and White House
Council on Environmental Quality Chairman James Connaughton.

Media may cover the Summit upon presentation of one of the
following: (1) a U.S. government-issued identification card
(Department of State, White House, Congress, Department of
Defense, or Foreign Press Center); (2) a photo ID issued by
employing media organization; or (3) a letter on official
letterhead from parent organization verifying employment as
a journalist with an official photo ID (valid driver’s
license or passport).

For information about NASA on the Internet, visit:

For information about the Summit on the Internet, visit:

The Summit media entrance is at:

U.S. Department of State
23rd Street entrance
Media registration: 7:30-8:30 a.m. EDT
Summit: 8:45 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. EDT

Posted inPress Release

NASA Participating in International Earth Observation Summit

On Thursday, July 31, 2003, senior administration
officials and representatives from approximately 25 nations
will convene in Washington to establish plans for an
integrated international Earth observation system.
Comprehensive Earth observations will provide key scientific
data to support global economic, social and scientific

The Earth Observation Summit brings together ministerial-
level representatives from the G-8 and other countries with
a significant role in Earth observation, one of the top
three G-8 science and technology priorities. Representatives
from the World Bank, World Meteorological Organization, and
other multilateral organizations will also attend. The
Summit aims to raise awareness of the importance of
cooperation and investment in Earth observations for the
benefit of international decision-makers.

Key speakers at the Summit include: NASA Administrator Sean
O’Keefe; Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham; Secretary of
Commerce Don Evans; Secretary of State Colin Powell; Science
Advisor to the President, John Marburger; and White House
Council on Environmental Quality Chairman James Connaughton.

Media may cover the Summit upon presentation of one of the
following: (1) a U.S. government-issued identification card
(Department of State, White House, Congress, Department of
Defense, or Foreign Press Center); (2) a photo ID issued by
employing media organization; or (3) a letter on official
letterhead from parent organization verifying employment as
a journalist with an official photo ID (valid driver’s
license or passport).

For information about NASA on the Internet, visit:

For information about the Summit on the Internet, visit:

The Summit media entrance is at:

U.S. Department of State
23rd Street entrance
Media registration: 7:30-8:30 a.m. EDT
Summit: 8:45 a.m. – 2:50 p.m. EDT