Media have the opportunity for live interviews this week with NASA experts discussing the Space Shuttle’s Return to Flight. The Shuttle Discovery, with Commander Eileen Collins leading a seven-person crew, is scheduled for lift-off July 13 from NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, (KSC) Fla. Discovery’s mission (STS-114) is the first since the Columbia accident in February, 2003.

The interviews will be conducted via satellite link-up with NASA TV. Opportunities:

–Wednesday, July 6, 7 a.m.-8:45 a.m. EDT: Astronaut Carlos Noriega, in Spanish

–Friday, July 8, 7 a.m.-9 a.m. EDT: STS-114 Flight Director Paul Hill

To Interview Noriega, Spanish-language media should contact the newsroom at NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), Houston at: 281/483-5111 no later than 4 p.m. EDT today. To interview Hill, media should contact the JSC newsroom no later than 3 p.m. EDT, Thursday.

For more information about the Return to Flight mission, visit:

NASA TV is carried on the Web and on an MPEG-2 digital signal accessed via satellite AMC-6, at 72 degrees west longitude, transponder 17C, 4040 MHz, vertical polarization. It’s available in Alaska and Hawaii on AMC-7, at 137 degrees west longitude, transponder 18C, at 4060 MHz, horizontal polarization. A Digital Video Broadcast compliant Integrated Receiver Decoder is required for reception. For NASA TV information and schedules on the Web, visit: