On Monday, July 26, NASA and other U.S. partner
organizations will discuss the New England Air Quality study.
The study is part of the Intercontinental Chemical Transport
Experiment-North America (INTEX-NA), which will measure the
movements of pollution around the globe as part of a joint
regional air-quality and climate study of unprecedented scope.
The first phase of the two-part experiment began July 1 and
will run through August 19.

Media will be able to visit NASA’s DC-8 aircraft and tour
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
Research Ship Ronald H. Brown. They also will be able to visit
other aircraft used in the largest air quality study being
conducted in New England. In addition there will be
opportunities to meet the lead scientists for the mission, Dr.
Jim Gleason and Dr. Hanwant Singh, and others working on the
project, at the halfway point of the field study.

What: Media day and press conference for New England Air
Quality Study, part of the International Consortium for
Atmospheric Research on Transport and
Transformation (ICARTT) study.

Where: Portsmouth Port Authority Dock, Portsmouth, N.H.

When: 9:30 a.m. EDT — Dockside press conference with
NASA Associate Administrator for Earth Science
Ghassem Asrar; U.S. Sen. Judd Gregg; NOAA
Administrator Conrad C. Lautenbacher; and Ann
Hart, President, University of New Hampshire
(UNH), Durham, N.H.

10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. EDT — Visit to Pease
International Tradeport for tours of aircraft used
in the study and to speak to scientists
coordinating land and sea operations.

1:30 p.m. EDT — Two-hour cruise as ship begins
second leg of field study in the Gulf of Maine.

3:30 p.m. — At-sea transfer to UNH ship Gulf
Challenger for return to Portsmouth dock. Please
note this is an at-sea transfer and includes using
a Jacob’s ladder to move from one ship to another.

Media interested in covering the second leg of field study
aboard the Ronald H. Brown must contact Jana Goldman at NOAA
by July 21 on (301) 713-2483. Space on the Brown is limited.
Those going aboard should wear appropriate clothing and
closed-toe shoes with rubber soles.

For more information and images on the Internet, visit:


For more information on the INTEX-NA campaign on the Internet,
