Dr. J. Victor Lebacqz, Associate Director for Aerospace
Programs at NASA’s Ames Research Center, Moffett Field,
Calif. has been named Deputy Associate Administrator for the
Office of Aerospace Technology at NASA Headquarters in

The announcement was made by Dr. Jeremiah Creedon, Associate
Administrator for Aerospace Technology, who said of his new
deputy: “Vic brings a wealth of aerospace experience to the
enterprise that will certainly be an asset as NASA moves
toward implementing its Blueprint for Aeronautics and the new
Integrated Space Transportation Plan.”

In his new position as Deputy Associate Administrator,
Lebacqz will assist Creedon in developing integrated, long-
term, innovative agency-level technology for aeronautics and
space. Lebacqz will also assist in developing new commercial
partnerships that exploit technology breakthroughs.

Lebacqz began his federal career in 1978 as an aerospace
engineer conducting flight and simulation research at Ames.
Since then, he has held a variety of Ames management
positions including Chief of Flight Dynamics and Controls
Branch; Chief of Flight Management and Human Factors
Division; and Director of Aviation System Capacity Program
and the Aerospace Operations Systems Programs.

Lebacqz is a recipient of NASA’s Outstanding Leadership
Medal, NASA’s Exceptional Service Medal, a number of NASA
Group Achievement Awards and two Ames Honor Awards. He
received bachelor, master and doctoral degrees in
aeronautical engineering from Princeton University.