Glenn Mahone/Doc Mirelson
Headquarters, Washington
(Phone: 202/358-1898/1600)

NASA Deputy Administrator Frederick Gregory today
announced the appointment of Angela Phillips Diaz as Deputy
Associate Administrator for Education. Diaz had previously
served as Assistant Associate Administrator for Policy & Plans
in the Office of Space Flight at NASA Headquarters.

“With her intimate knowledge of NASA’s many diverse programs,
her experience and management skills, Angela will be a key
member of our education team, ” Gregory said.

As the Deputy Associate Administrator for Education, Diaz will
share the responsibility to ensure NASA goals to motivate
students to pursue careers in science, math, and engineering
are realized.

NASA Associate Administrator for the Office of Education, Dr.
Adena Williams Loston, said,” I am very pleased to have Angela
as part of this team. She brings a wealth of experience,
talent and vigor that will support the Office of Education

Diaz previously served as the Human Space Flight & Research
Division Director in the NASA Office of External Relations.
She has provided policy guidance and negotiated agreements for
human space flight, life and microgravity sciences and
applications programs. She was the lead negotiator for
agreements with Canada, Europe, Japan and Russia for the
International Space Station Crew Code of Conduct.

She served for four years as the Executive Secretary for the
National Science and Technology Council and the President’s
committee of advisors on science and technology at the White
House Office of Science and Technology Policy. Prior to the
White House appointment, Diaz held a number of increasingly
responsible management positions at NASA Headquarters in the
areas of science and technology policy, education, external
relations, legislative affairs and program support.

Diaz received her Bachelors and Masters of Business
Administration degrees from Marymount University, Va. She is a
graduate of the Advanced Management Program at
the Harvard University Business School, and she is a Senior
Executive Fellow of the John F. Kennedy School of Government,
Harvard University.

For more information about NASA education programs:

For more information about NASA’s Educator Astronaut Program: