NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC) has negotiated a
contract modification valued at $27.4 million with SPACEHAB,
Inc. in Houston, to continue support for the STS-107 Space
Shuttle research mission.

The work performed under the contract is associated with
mission support services including SPACEHAB flight hardware,
module transporter, ground support equipment, ground payload
processing facilities, module trainers and mockups to support
flight crew training, and mission integration services.

The extension of contractor support accommodates the changes
in the Space Shuttle launch schedule that affected STS-107’s
launch date. STS-107 is scheduled to lift off from NASA’s
Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida in June 2002.

The contract modification brings the total of the initial
firm-fixed-price Research and Logistics Mission Support
Contract, which was awarded in December 1997, to $182
million. The contract is managed by JSC, while work for the
contract modification will be performed in Huntsville, Ala.,
and KSC.