NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston has signed a modification to a contract with The Boeing Company. The modification is valued at more than $94 million.

The contract consolidates work done in support of international space station payload integration activities. The modification transfers a portion of work from one contract to another to consolidate activities. Work being transferred includes: payload engineering integration; payload software integration and flight software production; payload facility sustaining engineering; and logistics support.

Boeing will continue to manage the overall space station payload integration process. The company will develop and maintain requirements between NASA payloads and the space station. Requirements include: station racks used to house scientific experiments; develop and deliver software payload flight configuration tables and flight displays; design and develop payload support systems; perform analyses to support certification of station facility racks; provide sustaining engineering in support of payload facilities; and provide logistics, repairs and maintenance for flight and ground units.

The action modifies a completion form, cost-plus-award-fee contract. The period of performance of this change is the first quarter of fiscal year 2006 to the fourth quarter of fiscal year 2008.

The contract covers work at NASA’s Johnson Space Center, Kennedy Space Center, Fla., and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Ala. For information about NASA and agency programs on the Web, visit: