NASA’s Kennedy Space Center, Fla., has added $36.6
million of new work to the existing agency-wide Consolidated
Space Operations Contract (CSOC) with Lockheed Martin Space
Operations Co. of Houston.

Under the modification to the contract issued today, the
contractor will continue work on the development of the
Checkout and Launch Control System (CLCS) at Kennedy Space
Center by providing for the Scout Software Delivery, software
that controls the CLCS.

The work under the contract will continue through June 30,
2003. Previous deliveries of CLCS software and hardware have
been covered under the CSOC since Oct. 1, 1999.

The CLCS will replace the Launch Processing System with
current hardware and software. CLCS program objectives are
to ensure continued safe and dependable shuttle launch
support for the duration of the program, reduce shuttle
operational costs and provide building blocks for future

The initial CSOC contract, worth $1.9 billion over five
years, was awarded through competitive procurement and began
on Oct. 1, 1998. The contract provides for mission support
services to field centers throughout NASA. After the five-
year base effort, the contract includes options totaling
$1.54 billion for a five-year extension to Dec. 31, 2008.