Media are invited to a daylong workshop focused on the
International Space Station’s (ISS) role in Return to Flight.
The event will be held Monday, Sept. 13, at NASA’s Kennedy
Space Center (KSC), Fla.

There are busy months ahead for the International Space
Station, as it prepares to welcome the Space Shuttle back to
orbit as early as March of next year. Major spare Station
parts and other hardware are arriving for processing at KSC,
scientists are honing their research objectives to meet the
goals of the Vision for Space Exploration, and program
managers are working toward the goal of completing Station

The workshop will begin at 10 a.m. EDT and will be hosted by
Bill Gerstenmaier, ISS program manager, and Michael Hawes,
special assistant to the associate administrator for space

Reporters will have the opportunity to:

  •  discuss plans for Space Station assembly and utilization once the Space Shuttle returns to flight;
  • tour the Space Station Processing facility and ask questions about hardware being prepared for flight;
  •  hear details on the new science research priorities for Station;
  • visit the Space Life Sciences lab, where Space Station experiments are processed for flight and where biological and life sciences research is conducted in support of future human exploration of space;
  • have lunch with recent Space Station astronauts, who will discuss their experiences living and working in space.

Media who do not currently possess KSC credentials should
submit their request via the on-line accreditation Web site at

Due to limited space, media planning to attend the workshop
must contact the KSC Press Site at 321/867-2468 by close of
business Sept. 9.

Since the Space Station Processing Facility is an operational
facility that deals in hazardous materials, all who
participate in the tour must be properly dressed in long pants
and closed-toe shoes with low heels. Sleeveless shirts are not

Lunch will be made available for purchase.

For the latest information on NASA’s Return to Flight efforts
and the International Space Station on the Internet, visit: