Posted inPress Release

NASA Marshall Center seeeks 2nd Generation RLV risk reduction proposals from industry

RELEASE: 00-300

To help make space travel dramatically cheaper and safer than it is
today, NASA is asking industry, academia and others to propose technologies,
experiments and other risk reduction activities to be conducted over the
next five years for the 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle Program. This
is the next major step in developing the “Highway to Space.”

“Technologies developed and tested under the 2nd Generation Reusable
Launch Vehicle Engineering and Risk Reduction program will enable the start
of full scale development of a reusable launch system in 2005 — with flight
operations anticipated in the 2010 timeframe,” program manager Dan Dumbacher

The program — managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in
Huntsville, Ala., and supported by NASA Centers across the country — is
aimed at developing a privately owned, commercially competitive reusable
launch vehicle that will be 10 times cheaper and 100 times safer than 1st
generation systems such as the Space Shuttle.

“Greater commercial development and exploration of space depend on
making launch transportation safer and less expensive,” Dumbacher said.
“That’s why this program is one of NASA’s highest priorities.”

NASA Research Announcement 8-30 asks U.S. industry, educational
institutions, nonprofit organizations and federal agencies to submit
proposals in 10 areas: system engineering and architecture definition,
airframe, vehicle subsystems, internal vehicle health monitoring,
operations, upper stages, propulsion, flight mechanics, flight
demonstrations and NASA-unique requirements such as life support and crew
escape systems.

“Proposals funded under this program will further define the
technical requirements for achieving NASA’s safety and payload goals, and
will initiate the key ground and flight risk-reduction activities necessary
to develop vehicles, ground support equipment and operations for a second
generation reusable launch system,” Dumbacher said. “We will mature second
generation technologies, such as lightweight structures, long-life rocket
engines, vehicle subsystems, computerized maintenance, thermal protection,
ground operations and more.”

NRA 8-30 was published earlier this month. More than 350 industry
representatives recently attended a program briefing at the Marshall Center.
Technical proposals are due November 27, with cost proposals due December 4.
NASA expects to award multiple contracts totaling approximately $900 million
next spring. The total number of contracts and the dollar figure for those
will be determined later.

The Marshall Center is NASA’s Lead Center for Space Transportation
Systems Development. Marshall’s efforts are supported by Ames Research
Center in Moffett Field, Calif.; Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis,
Miss.; Kennedy Space Center, Florida; Dryden Flight Research Center in
Edwards, Calif.; Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas; Langley Research
Center in Hampton, Va.; the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.;
Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio; and the Air Force Research
Laboratory, which includes research and development facilities at nine
United States Air Force bases nationwide.

— 30 —


June Malone

Media RelationsDepartment

(256) 544-0034


The Web

NRA 8-30 text

MSFC Space Transportation Web site


Posted inPress Release

NASA Marshall Center seeeks 2nd Generation RLV risk reduction proposals from industry

RELEASE: 00-300

To help make space travel dramatically cheaper and safer than it is
today, NASA is asking industry, academia and others to propose technologies,
experiments and other risk reduction activities to be conducted over the
next five years for the 2nd Generation Reusable Launch Vehicle Program. This
is the next major step in developing the “Highway to Space.”

“Technologies developed and tested under the 2nd Generation Reusable
Launch Vehicle Engineering and Risk Reduction program will enable the start
of full scale development of a reusable launch system in 2005 — with flight
operations anticipated in the 2010 timeframe,” program manager Dan Dumbacher

The program — managed by NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in
Huntsville, Ala., and supported by NASA Centers across the country — is
aimed at developing a privately owned, commercially competitive reusable
launch vehicle that will be 10 times cheaper and 100 times safer than 1st
generation systems such as the Space Shuttle.

“Greater commercial development and exploration of space depend on
making launch transportation safer and less expensive,” Dumbacher said.
“That’s why this program is one of NASA’s highest priorities.”

NASA Research Announcement 8-30 asks U.S. industry, educational
institutions, nonprofit organizations and federal agencies to submit
proposals in 10 areas: system engineering and architecture definition,
airframe, vehicle subsystems, internal vehicle health monitoring,
operations, upper stages, propulsion, flight mechanics, flight
demonstrations and NASA-unique requirements such as life support and crew
escape systems.

“Proposals funded under this program will further define the
technical requirements for achieving NASA’s safety and payload goals, and
will initiate the key ground and flight risk-reduction activities necessary
to develop vehicles, ground support equipment and operations for a second
generation reusable launch system,” Dumbacher said. “We will mature second
generation technologies, such as lightweight structures, long-life rocket
engines, vehicle subsystems, computerized maintenance, thermal protection,
ground operations and more.”

NRA 8-30 was published earlier this month. More than 350 industry
representatives recently attended a program briefing at the Marshall Center.
Technical proposals are due November 27, with cost proposals due December 4.
NASA expects to award multiple contracts totaling approximately $900 million
next spring. The total number of contracts and the dollar figure for those
will be determined later.

The Marshall Center is NASA’s Lead Center for Space Transportation
Systems Development. Marshall’s efforts are supported by Ames Research
Center in Moffett Field, Calif.; Stennis Space Center in Bay St. Louis,
Miss.; Kennedy Space Center, Florida; Dryden Flight Research Center in
Edwards, Calif.; Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas; Langley Research
Center in Hampton, Va.; the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif.;
Glenn Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio; and the Air Force Research
Laboratory, which includes research and development facilities at nine
United States Air Force bases nationwide.

— 30 —


June Malone

Media RelationsDepartment

(256) 544-0034


The Web

NRA 8-30 text

MSFC Space Transportation Web site
