NASA’s Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala., contributed $774
million to Alabama’s economy in fiscal year 2000.

That contribution included $238 million in salaries for civil service
personnel and related costs, as well as travel. It also included $536
million spent on locally procured services, prime contractor and
subcontractor support, and local construction.

Approximately $69 million in retirement annuities were paid in 2000 to 2,515
Marshall retirees residing in Alabama, with 1,604 retirees in Huntsville and
Madison receiving $44 million of that amount.

The $774 million spent in Alabama was significantly more than the Marshall
Center’s expenditures in any other state. In addition, NASA funding of
approximately $128 million was spent in North Alabama for International
Space Station hardware development by The Boeing Co., while approximately
$57 million was spent was spent on other NASA programs in which Marshall had
a supporting role. An additional $43 million was spent on programs where
Marshall performed work for other agencies.

Marshall received approximately 16 percent – or $2.2 billion – of NASA’s
total budget of $13.6 billion during fiscal 2000. Of Marshall’s allocation,
73 percent was spent for Human Exploration and Development of Space
including Space Shuttle and International Space Station activities; 26
percent for Space Science, Earth Science, Aerospace Technology and
Biological and Physical Research activities; and about 1 percent on
Strategic Support of Marshall Center Programs.

Since it was established in 1960, the Marshall Center has had budget
responsibility for more than $67 billion. When yearly figures are adjusted
for inflation, this total is equivalent to more than $167 billion in today’s
dollar value.

The Marshall Center has paid approximately $5 billion in federal salaries
since its creation in 1960 through September. In 2000, Marshall civil
service employees collectively paid more than $185 million in federal income
taxes and more than $6 million in Alabama state income taxes.

At the end of September, Marshall’s permanent and temporary civil service
employees totaled 2,676, including employees at resident offices at prime
contractor facilities and at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility near New
Orleans, La.

Of that workforce, 2,195 were college graduates, with 1,450 holding bachelor
‘s degrees. There were 165 employees with doctorate degrees and 580 with
master’s degrees in fields of engineering, science – predominantly
mathematics and physics – as well as other disciplines, predominantly
business administration.

During 2000, 23,649 contractor employees were involved in Marshall work,
including 2,800 in mission support, 10,502 on prime contract work and 10,347
as subcontractors and vendors. Of the total, 6,980 worked in Alabama.
Additionally, 763 contractors were associated with International Space
Station work being done by Boeing in Huntsville and 730 with other NASA work
supported by Marshall.

During fiscal 2000, 305,079 people toured Marshall, including educators,
conference and symposium visitors and news media. Of these, 203,223 toured
the Marshall Center as part of the U.S. Space & Rocket Center’s bus tour
program. The Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville is Marshall’s official NASA
visitor center.

In 2000, more than 48,194 students and 26,587 teachers and faculty
representing all 50 states were reached through the operation of Marshall’s
education programs. The Marshall Center donated $1 million in research
equipment and placed some $189 million in grants, contracts and cooperative
agreements through the education programs.

Another way the Marshall Center gives back to the community is through
monthly Red Cross Blood Drives. In fiscal 2000, 828 pints of blood were
collected from civil service and on-site contractors. Marshall civil service
employees also contributed $505,268 to the Combined Federal Campaign. Of
this amount, $288,288 was designated to help agencies in Alabama.

The Marshall Space Flight Center celebrated 40 years of operation in 2000.
Marshall looks to the future with dedication to continue its role as a vital
contributor to America’s future in space, while positively impacting the
local, state and federal economy.