When the U.S. space
industry’s premier annual meeting convenes April 3-6 in Colorado Springs,
senior NASA executives from across the country will play a major, active role.
Among those already scheduled to take part are NASA Administrator Daniel S.
Goldin, Kennedy Space Center Director Roy Bridges, Marshall Space Flight
Center Director Arthur Stephenson, NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for
Aeronautics and Space Transfer Technology Gary Payton, and Johnson Space
Center Public Affairs Director Barbara Zelon.

Additional NASA participation will take the form of exhibits by NASA’s
Marshall Space Flight Center and Kennedy Space Center in the 30,000 foot
exhibit complex. The gala NASA-Space Foundation Space Technology Hall of Fame
Dinner on April 6th will honor technologies originally developed for the space
program and later developed to benefit life on Earth.

Goldin will be the featured keynoter on the morning of April 6th and will
also participate that afternoon in a “Town Hall on Space” with NRO Director
Keith Hall, Aerospace Industries Association President John Douglass and a
prominent military space leader. The Town Hall will be moderated by Lon
Rains, editor of Space News.

Stephenson, Payton and Bridges will all participate in panels addressing
various space launch issues with other senior space leaders including
Aerospace Corporation President E.C. Pete Aldridge, Jr.; head of the Broad
Area Review Gen. Larry Welch, (USAF, ret.); FAA Associate Administrator
Patricia Grace Smith; and Lt. Gen. Eugene Tattani, Commander of the Space and
Missile Center.

For detailed program information and secure on-line registration, visit