HAMPTON, Va. – NASA Langley Center Director Lesa Roe will brief the news media about the agency’s Fiscal Year 2011 budget at 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 2.

Media who wish to participate in the news conference at NASA Langley – either in person or by phone — should call Keith Henry at 344-7211 or 864-6120 by 10 a.m., Feb.2.

The center director’s local briefing Tuesday follows today’s agency-level budget briefing led by NASA Deputy Administrator Lori Garver from NASA Headquarters, Wash., D.C., in which she announced “bold new developments in the nation’s civil space effort.” To listen to a replay of the Wash., D.C. teleconference, call:

866-431-2903 or 203-369-0952.

NASA budget and supporting information is available at: http://www.nasa.gov/budget