NASA is making arrangements for media to tour Kennedy Space Center, Fla., to view conditions following Hurricane Frances. The guided tour begins at 2 p.m. EDT Tuesday. News media should report to the old Pass & I.D. Building on State Road 3, across from the Air Liquide plant, outside the gates of KSC.

Hurricane Frances came ashore early Sunday morning south of KSC and moved slowly across the Florida peninsula, exposing the area to sustained heavy winds and rains. Initial reports from emergency crews indicate key buildings such as the Launch Control Center, the massive, Vehicle Assembly Building, and Orbiter Processing Facilities were still standing.

There is damage to the exteriors of some buildings, as well as flooding and power outages. There does not appear to be any damage to the Space Shuttles Discovery, Atlantis, and Endeavour, which were secured before the hurricane.

Media participating in Tuesday’s tour of KSC must register before 11 a.m. EDT by calling Allard Beutel (202/358-4769) or Melissa Mathews (202/358-1272) at NASA Headquarters. Please indicate whether you will bring a camera crew. Participants must be properly dressed in long pants and closed-toe shoes with low heels. Sleeveless shirts are not permitted.

Media must show proper identification to participate in the tour. All reporters, including those already holding KSC badges, must report to the old Pass and I.D. Building. No media will be allowed on KSC property without a public affairs escort.

Updates on conditions at KSC are available on the Web at: