CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Media are invited to a photo opportunity at NASA Kennedy Space Center’s Launch Pad 39A at 6 a.m. EDT on Tuesday, March 22.

Space shuttle Endeavour’s payload for the STS-134 mission is scheduled to roll out to the pad on March 21. The rotating service structure, which protects the shuttle from inclement weather and provides access to parts of the shuttle while at the pad, will be retracted to support the lifting of the payload canister for eventual transfer into Endeavour’s payload bay.

During the event, reporters will have the opportunity to speak with Kennedy’s STS-134 payload mission manager, Joe Delai, and Boeing payload flow manager, Bob Hart. Media planning to attend must arrive at Kennedy’s Press Site by 5:30 a.m. for transportation to the event. Participants must be dressed in full-length pants, flat shoes that entirely cover the feet, and shirts with sleeves. Wireless microphones and cell phones are not permitted at the launch pad.

U.S. reporters must apply for credentials by close of business, Friday, March 18. Accreditation for international journalists is closed. Reporters without permanent Kennedy credentials should submit their requests online at: 

Video b-roll of the payload’s roll to the pad and arrival will be available on the NASA Television Video File segment. For NASA TV downlink, schedule and streaming video information, visit:  

Images will be posted on Kennedy’s Media Gallery Tuesday afternoon at:  

Endeavour and its six astronauts will deliver the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer-2 (AMS) to the International Space Station. The AMS is a sophisticated science instrument designed to increase our understanding of the universe. Endeavour will also deliver the Express Logistics Carrier 3, a platform that carries spare parts for station operations. Launch is targeted for April 19.

For information about the STS-134 mission, visit: