CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — NASA Kennedy Space Center invites media to view the arrival of the train carrying the Ares I-X motor segments for the upcoming test flight this summer Thursday, March 19.

The four reusable motor segments, manufactured by the Ares I first stage prime contractor Alliant Techsystems Inc., or ATK, departed Utah Friday, March 13, on the seven-day, cross-country trip to Florida.

Reporters will be able to document the arrival of the train, as well as interview numerous NASA and ATK program managers about the upcoming flight. Journalists should arrive at Kennedy’s news center by 2 p.m. for transportation to the event. Journalists without permanent Kennedy credentials should submit their requests online by close of business Tuesday, March 17, at:

When the train arrives, the segments will have their transportation coverings surrounding the hardware. A photo opportunity only will be held later as the segments are being offloaded.

The Ares I-X test flight will provide NASA an early opportunity to test and prove hardware, facilities and ground operations associated with the Ares I crew launch vehicle. It also will allow NASA to gather critical data during ascent of the integrated Orion crew exploration vehicle and the Ares I rocket. The data will ensure the entire vehicle system is safe and fully operational before astronauts begin traveling to orbit.

All participants attending the event must be dressed in full-length pants, flat shoes that cover the feet entirely and shirts with sleeves. Dates and times are subject to change. Please call the Kennedy news center information line at 321-867-2525 for updates.

Video B-roll of the hardware arrival will be available on NASA Television’s Video File. For NASA TV streaming video, schedules and downlink information, visit:

For more information about Ares I-X and NASA’s next-generation rockets, visit: