National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Office of Inspector General
Washington, D.C. 20546

RELEASE: 2000-095

On September 29, 2000, the President’s Council on Integrity and
Efficiency (PCIE) presented its annual awards for outstanding
accomplishments within the Federal Inspector General community. The
ceremony recognized achievements in promoting economy and efficiency in
government programs and fighting fraud, crime, waste, and abuse in
Federal operations.

Joseph R. Gutheinz, former Special Agent with NASA Office of Inspector
General (OIG), Office of Criminal Investigations, received a Career
Achievement award from the PCIE for sustained outstanding performance
throughout his career and for saving and recovering millions of dollars
in NASA funds through his investigative efforts. Only four Career
Achievement awards were presented to members of the OIG community.

Elaine M. Slaugh, former Auditor with NASA OIG, Office of Audits,
received an Individual Accomplishment award for her outstanding efforts
and significant achievements as the Executive Director of the Federal
Audit Executive Council.

Diane M. Frazier, Yolande B. Harden, and Joseph F. Kroener, Procurement
Analysts with the NASA OIG, Office of Inspections, Administrative
Investigations, & Assessments, received a group Award for Excellence
for their outstanding contributions to the PCIE’s outreach and
education efforts and the team’s special contribution to improving OIG
products dealing with Federal acquisitions.

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