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NASA Organization

NASA Administrator Daniel S. Goldin has agreed to stay on until
the new Administration makes some final decisions about the
direction of the space agency.

“I serve at the pleasure of the President of the United States,”
said Administrator Goldin. “I am pleased to be of assistance
during this transition process. I am committed to making this
transition smooth, and I expect that every employee will support
that goal.”

“NASA has worked closely with the members of the Bush transition
team in recent weeks,” said Chris Christensen, NASA Associate
Administrator for Headquarters Operations. “We’ve given them a
lot of material to review, but everything is running smoothly.”

The following individuals will serve in an acting capacity in
positions formerly held by political appointees.

– Steve Varholy, Acting Chief Financial Officer

– Mary Dee Kerwin, Acting Associate Administrator for Legislative

– Paula Cleggett, Acting Associate Administrator for Public

– Beth McCormick, Acting Associate Administrator for Policy and

Effective Monday, January 22, Courtney Stadd will serve as NASA’s
Chief of Staff and White House Liaison.