NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD will host over 2,000 D.C. and Baltimore area 6th graders, Thursday, May 4, 2006 as part of Space Day celebration.  The event starts at 9:30 a.m. with a short opening ceremony and concludes at 2:30 p.m.

Space Day is an educational initiative established in l997 by Lockheed Martin to provide educational programs for students throughout the year in thousands of schools, museums and science centers across North America.  Its goal is to use space-related activities to inspire and prepare young people to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.

NASA and Lockheed Martin Officials will be available for interviews immediately following the opening ceremony.  Interview with teachers and students will be available throughout the day.

Students will participate in a wide variety of hands-on activities related to aerospace and science. Some highlights include:

  • Meet with Astronauts
  • Launch Rockets
  • Build a Hover Space Craft
  • Maneuver a Satellite

The twenty-one winning teams in Lockheed Martin’s national Space Day Design Challenge competition will also be honored, including two teams from Walkersville Elementary School, Walkersville, MD.   The Design Challenges encourage teams of elementary and middle school students to utilize science and math concepts, initiate independent research and discover principles of engineering.  The teams will have their projects on display at Goddard throughout the day and visitors will have an opportunity to ask the students questions.  The winners will be honored at a special ceremony at 5 p.m.

New media wishing to attend Space Day should contact Ed Campion in Goddard public affairs by e-mail at: or call 301-286-0697 to arrange accreditation and access.  Media will check in at the Goddard’s main guard gate at 8800 Greenbelt, Rd.

Each year schools, youth organizations, museums and other organizations sponsor grass roots Space Day celebrations in all fifty states and Canada.  For additional information about Space Day visit: