Sonja Alexander

Headquarters, Washington, DC

(Phone: 202/358-1600)

RELEASE: 00-71

Are there quakes on Mars? What’s up with orbital debris? Does
fire rejuvenate the landscape? Students nationwide tackled these
and many other questions as part of the NASA Student Involvement
Program (NSIP) academic competition.

Forty-one high school students and twenty teachers from
around the country have won an all-expense-paid trip to
Washington, DC, for national recognition in the NASA Student
Involvement Program. The students and their winning projects will
be presented at the NSIP Symposium on Monday, May 8, at the
Marriott at Metro Center, 775 12th Street, NW, Washington, DC.
All program events will be open to the press.

The symposium will feature presentations of the winning
entries in each of the following competition areas: Designing a
Mission to Mars; Watching Earth Change; and Aeronautics and Space
Science Journalism. Students and NASA scientists will discuss
issues raised by each of the winning teams.

The competition, conducted for NASA by TERC of Cambridge MA,
in partnership with the Institute of Global Environmental
Strategies, Arlington, VA, and WT Chen & Co., Waltham, MA,
promotes critical and creative thinking in the areas of science,
mathematics and technology. Over 3,000 students participated in
the competition nationwide.

First place middle school winners will attend NASA Space
Camp, in Huntsville, AL. Among this yea’s middle school winners,
a team of Native American students from Tuba City, AZ, captured
the national first prize in Aeronautics and Space Science
Journalism with their video documentary on the 30th anniversary of
the Apollo 11 lunar landing.

A complete list of NSIP high school, middle school and
primary school winners and their projects can be found at:
