One of the most popular Internet Web sites of the
federal government now offers links to a variety of aerospace
news and information in Spanish.

“NASA produces a lot of important information for a large and
diverse audience,” said NASA Administrator Sean O’Keefe.
“Organizing and offering access from our primary Internet
site to the Spanish-language material we produce reflects the
agency’s interest in and commitment to our growing Hispanic

The primary web portal for NASA,, regularly
receives more than 650,000 hits a week and offers links to a
variety of agency news and information produced by field
centers across the country.

NASA’s initial offerings in Spanish include a mix of project-
specific sites and general information about NASA programs.
Selected sites include:

* Amesnews,,
provides information from NASA’s Ames Research Center,
located near San Francisco. The center researches
aeronautics, astrobiology and supercomputing.

* ciencia@nasa,, is the Spanish-
language companion to NASA’s award-winning science@nasa site,
featuring stories from all fields of science, aeronautics and

* El Programa Milenio Nuevo,, features NASA’s New
Millennium Program, which develops and tests advanced
technology for space flight.

* Spaceplace,,
features spacey things to make and do for kids.

* Stennis es,
, is an online introduction to NASA’s Stennis Space
Center, which conducts propulsion testing and remote-sensing
research on the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

As additional sites go online, they’ll be added to a
comprehensive list of Spanish-language Web sites being
managed on the agency’s primary homepage. Internet users can
find links to all these sites at:

You can find a Spanish version of this release at: