Sonja Alexander
Headquarters, Washington, DC
(Phone: 202/358-1761)

RELEASE: c00-b

NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC, has selected Global
Science & Technology, Inc. (GST), Greenbelt, MD, for award of a
five-year contract to support the process for soliciting and
selecting NASA research investigations. GST will perform the work
through a teaming arrangement with subcontractors InDyne, Inc.
(IDI), McLean, VA, and Science Applications International
Corporation (SAIC), Hampton, VA.

Services to be provided by GST and its team members include
assisting preparation of agency research solicitations; processing
research proposals; and arranging all logistics support for
proposal evaluation by panels of scientists, engineers, and
discipline-related experts from public and private academic
institutions, industry, NASA, and other government laboratories.

GST is also responsible for providing logistics support of
post-selection activities and for maintaining an interactive
Internet site and electronic database that allow for submission
and storage of research proposals and associated documentation.
This is a new Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity cost-plus-
award-fee contract that replaces six contracts currently
performing these functions for NASA Headquarters offices.

Primary customers for the services are NASA1s Office of Space
Science, Office of Earth Science, Office of Life and Microgravity
Sciences and Applications, Office of Equal Opportunity Programs,
and Office of Human Resources and Applications. However, the
contract will be open for use by all NASA organizations.

The contract has a minimum ordering value of $5M and a
maximum value of $145M.
