On Thursday April 15, at 1 p.m. EDT, astronomers will
explain how they used a new technique to find an extrasolar,
orbiting another star, planet during a listen-and-log-on news

Using this technique, amateur astronomers might help with
follow-up observations of future discoveries, and help
confirm planets, as small as Earth, beyond our solar system.
Briefing participants:

— Dr. Philippe Crane, Origins theme scientist, NASA Headquarters, Washington

— Dr. Ian Bond, University of Edinburgh, Scotland

The discovery was made during a research project partly
funded by NASA, the National Science Foundation and several
international institutions.

The virtual news briefing is only for reporters. To
participate reporters must call any of the above listed
contacts by noon EDT, April 15 to get the phone number and

Images and graphics supporting this news briefing will be
posted at 1 p.m. EDT, April 15, on the Internet at:
