NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center is hosting a one-day forum this Wednesday, October 31, between Maryland’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Goddard to explore expanded opportunities for working together on scientific, engineering, and educational projects.

The Presidents and lead administrators from Bowie State University, Coppin State College, Morgan State University and the University of Maryland, Eastern Shore will be attending the forum to showcase their research capabilities and learn about NASA grant and contracting opportunities.

Members of the news media are invited to the Maryland HBCU / GSFC forum which will be held at the Greenbelt Marriott Hotel, 6400 Ivy Lane in Greenbelt. A photo opportunity with invited guests and various exhibits provided by the Universties and Goddard will take place at during the morning session, along with presentations by each of the university Presidents and NASA Headquarters Associate Administrators for space science and Earth science, and the Director of Education. Funding for new initiatives with each university will be announced.

Guest speakers include NASA’s Associate Administrator for Equal Opportunity Programs George Reese and NASA’s Special Assistant for Procurement Thomas Green. Bowie State’s Dr. Nagi Wakim will deliver a keynote address at 12:30 p.m. on “Student Mentoring and Retention.”

The forum’s goals are to showcase the programs and opportunities of each institution, recognize and increase awareness to the Goddard community of the research and infrastructure capabilities of Maryland’s HBCUs, identify a pathway between Goddard and Maryland HBCUs for students in scientific, engineering and technology fields, identify means by which the institutions can increase interactions with each other and provide an open forum for Goddard and these university partners to discuss mutual issues of importance, including student mentoring and retention.

“It is our wish that development of a deeper, richer relationship with Maryland’s HBCUs will serve our communities in a positive way,” said Goddard Center Director A. V. Diaz. “We are proud of these institutions in our State, and we anticipate increased interactions as a result of this Forum.”

If you plan to attend the forum, or would like a copy of the complete agenda, please contact Ed Campion, Goddard News Chief, by phone at 301-286-0697 or via e-mail at by close of business on October 30, 2001.