NASA’s Glenn Research Center (GRC), Cleveland, today
awarded an 8(a) cost-plus-award-fee contract valued at
approximately $41 million to Mainthia Technologies, Inc.,
(MTI), Cleveland.

MTI will provide on-site support services for operations,
maintenance and engineering of the specialized central process
systems and equipment that support the mission research and
development functions of GRC. The specialized process system
consists of standard equipment on a very large scale including:
compressors, hydraulic systems, cooling towers, cryogenic
systems, high pressure gases and fuel systems, centralized
computer controls and a variety of other components.

MTI will provide on-site support services in the area of
pressurized system and pressure vessel systems, which consists
of wind tunnels, vacuum vessels, oil and fuel tanks,
dehydrators, coolers, filters, separators and other components.
Recertification services will only be performed at the GRC Plum
Brook Station in Sandusky, Ohio. Under the terms of the
contract, the requirements will be stated in performance-based
contract task orders.

The period of performance is expected to be five years,
consisting of a three-year base period followed by a one two-
year option. MTI will begin its phase-in operations on
September 1, 2004. Full contract responsibility begins on
October 1, 2004.

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