An award ceremony will be held on Friday, April 29 at 11 a.m. to recognize East Cleveland City School students who won the Best Aircraft Design competition after participating in an educational experience aboard NASA Glenn Research Center’s Mobile Aerospace Education Laboratory (MAEL). The ceremony will be held on the MAEL which has been located at Chambers Elementary School, 14121 Shaw Avenue, East Cleveland since Monday, April 25.

“It is always an incredible experience to participate in inspiring the next generation of explorers,” said John Hairston, Director of Glenn’s Office of External Programs. “This event will be even more meaningful as several NASA employees who are alumni of Shaw High School will be on hand to recognize the students following in their footsteps.”

During its stay in East Cleveland over 18 classes from throughout the school district were scheduled to participate in the MAEL experience. Two after-school and two community outreach programs were also held.

The MAEL is a state-of-the-art classroom housed in a 53 foot trailer. The lab was designed primarily to excite children in grades 5 and up about science and mathematics. It houses several unique workstations that allow visitors to explore technology through “hands-on/minds-on” activities that model real world challenges in aerospace.

The MAEL trailer and programs were originally developed through a partnership between Cuyahoga Community College and NASA Glenn Research Center. Since it became operational in 1996, the MAEL has traveled almost 100,000 miles, attending 178 events in 121 cities and 40 states.

For more information about the MAEL program please visit: EL/