(Extensions of Remarks – July 26, 2001)



Thursday, July 26, 2001
  • Mr. SAWYER. Mr. Speaker, Northeast Ohio is home to an outstanding NASA Agency Center bearing the name of one of our nation’s true heroes, and our former colleague from the other body, John H. Glenn.
  • Just as John Glenn was a leader in space exploration, the NASA Glenn Research Center is a leader in aeronautics, space transportation, spacecraft technology, materials science, and even microgravity research.
  • NASA Glenn is an integral part of the NASA mission. But while it serves a national mission, it also serves as an incubator for industries and ideas throughout the Cleveland-Akron region and the state. The Greater Cleveland Growth Association estimates that the annual statewide spin-off from NASA Glenn comes in at nearly $1 billion and 12,000 jobs.
  • In my district, one of the results has been more than 30 grants to the University of Akron, which is itself a national leader in polymer science and engineering. Polymer technology, including nanopolymer technology which builds advanced materials at a molecular level, holds great promise for NASA programs.
  • From environmentally friendly batteries to vehicle components made from strong, lightweight nanopolymers, there are exciting concepts under development in Ohio. Many of them no doubt will be incorporated into NASA’s aeronautics and space programs of tomorrow, thanks to the energy and vision of the NASA Glenn Research Center. Just as important will be the application of these technologies outside of NASA , through its technology transfer function.
  • We know that creative scientists can invent important technologies and devices when they are charged with a specific goal, such as sending an astronaut to the moon. But I am awed by the following statistic: The NASA Glenn staff have won more of R&D Magazine’s R&D 100 awards than the staff of all other NASA agency centers combined. I cannot tell you why there is that much excellence at NASA Glenn. But I can tell you that there are very good things happening in Ohio, and they hold enormous importance

    for us in ways that perhaps neither the scientists nor we can predict.

  • The action by the Subcommittee, and particularly my good friend, the gentleman from Ohio (Mr. HOBSON), will be of great assistance to keep NASA Glenn and Ohio on this course set for excellence.