The 2004 hurricane season starts next month, and NASA has
the resources reporters need to cover it: video, satellite
pictures, research data, and hurricane specialists.

NASA TV is the outlet for hurricane video. It can provide
video and animation on beta or VHS tape or by satellite
downlink. NASA TV is available on AMC-9, transponder 9C,
located at 85 degrees west longitude. The frequency is 3880.0
MHz. Polarization is vertical, and audio is monaural at 6.80
MHz. For information about NASA TV on the Internet, visit:

NASA TV has a one-stop “Hurricane Resource Reel.” It has
animations and video of different aspects of hurricane
research, from a hurricane’s “heat engine” to El Nino’s affect
on tropical cyclones. For copies or to arrange live-shot
interviews with hurricane specialists, contact Wade Sisler,
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Md. Sisler
is the NASA TV GSFC Executive Producer, available at: 301/286-

NASA also offers several Web sites with satellite and other
hurricane imagery. NASA’s Earth Observatory Natural Hazards
Web site is updated daily. Images on the page are available
for re-use or re-publication (use credits as indicated for
each image). To find images of tropical cyclones, click on the
“severe storms” icon when you visit:

NASA’s Visible Earth is a searchable directory of images,
visualizations and animations of the Earth. It features an
extensive library of print and broadcast-quality images in
agriculture, atmosphere, biosphere, cryosphere, human
dimensions, hydrosphere, land surface oceans, radiance or
imagery, solid earth and various locations.

The Visible Earth Web site is available on the Internet, at:

The GSFC homepage is media-friendly with breaking news about
Earth and space science research. Earth science “Top Stories”
about hurricanes are available at:

Various NASA satellite missions also play a part in hurricane
research, including the Terra, Aqua, QuikScat, Jason and
Topex/Poseidon satellites. For information about these
satellites on the Internet, visit:

NASA’s Earth Science Enterprise (ESE) is the foundation for
agency hurricane research at various field centers. NASA’s ESE
is dedicated to understanding the Earth as an integrated
system and applying Earth system science to improve prediction
of climate, weather and natural hazards using the unique
vantage point of space. For information about NASA’s ESE on
the Internet, visit:

For more information and images about hurricane research on
the Internet, visit:

For information about NASA and agency missions on the
Internet, visit: